Attack Type: Melee
Strength: 23 + 3
Agility: 18 + 2.2
Intelligence: 15 + 1.6
Find Heroes To Counter Night Stalker
Night Stalker is Weak Against | Why |
Chaos Knight | Chaos Bolt can stun Night Stalker outside of Crippling Fears relatively small radius. Reality Rift is a great way to force Night Stalker to fight Chaos Knight, a hero with massive health and damage output. It also forces Night Stalker’s Crippling Fear off his primary target. Night Stalker doesn’t have a lot of ways to deal with multiple targets, which makes him vulnerable to Phantasm illusions unless Night Stalker buys Aghanim’s Scepter. |
Lycan | Void’s slow is useless against Lycan by activating Shapeshift. Night Stalker’s single target abilities (with the exception of Void upgraded by Aghanim’s Scepter) is not very effective against Lycan’s Summon Wolves during the early and mid game. |
Naga Siren | Ensnare and Song of the Siren prevents Night Stalker from escaping and ganking during daytime or even nighttime. Rip Tide reduces Night Stalker’s armor, making him easier to focus down. Mirror Image can be effective against Night Stalker, due to his single target abilities. |
Phantom Lancer | Void’s slow is dispelled by Doppelganger or counteracted by Phantom Rush. Spirit Lance’s and g Diffusal Blade’s slow reduces Night Stalker’s mobility and helps him or his ally escape if they’re inflicted by Void or Crippling Fear. Night Stalker has no AoE abilites to take out Phantom Lancer’s illusions. Even if Night Stalker gets an Aghanim’s Scepter, there will be way too many illusions for Night Stalker to handle. |
Sven | Warcry makes it difficult to burst Sven down with both the passive (with Aghanim’s Shard) and active component. Sven under the effect of God’s Strength and his massive physical damage make Sven very dangerous to engage in the mid game. |
Troll Warlord | Whirling Axes (Melee) provides a 60% miss chance, which can make the attack speed bonus from Hunter in the Night largely ineffective. Berserker’s Rage together with Battle Trance and Fervor stacks gives him a high chance of rooting Night Stalker, which allows Troll Warlord to man-fight Night Stalker in any stage of the game, regardless of whether or not it’s night. Night Stalker is not a common Monkey King Bar carrier to counteract this problem. |
Night Stalker is Strong Against ? | Why |
Storm Spirit | Storm Spirit is absolutely helpless if caught within Night Stalker’s silence range. Common items a Storm Spirit will build will not remove the AoE silence. |
Puck | Puck cannot use any of its normal means to survive should Night Stalker catch it within Crippling Fear, and goes down quickly. |
Clinkz | The long silence at night prevents Clinkz from escaping with invisibility if Night Stalker can sneak up on him. He also has really low base health, so Night Stalker can usually kill him alone during one cast of Crippling Fear at night. |
Earthshaker | Fissure has a short stun and creates an impassable ridge. However, Night Stalker can fly over it during Dark Ascension. Night Stalker can find Earthshaker, disable his Blink Dagger with Void, and then take him out with Crippling Fear. Earthshaker may fail his blink combo against Night Stalker’s team if he is not careful, as he can blink into the silence. |
Keeper of the Light | Keeper of the Light’s Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade loses much of its power, due to Night Stalker being able to reduce the duration of daytime by a lot. |
Tinker | Night Stalker is one of the best heroes to find (and silence) Tinker in the trees during Dark Ascension. |
Night Stalker Vs…
Hero | Disadvantage | Night Stalker Win Rate | Matches Played |
Naga Siren | 7.37% | 43.95% | 8,283 |
Broodmother | 5.64% | 53.71% | 3,115 |
Lycan | 4.23% | 54.81% | 2,142 |
Meepo | 4.22% | 44.42% | 7,324 |
Terrorblade | 3.73% | 53.45% | 10,034 |
Templar Assassin | 3.43% | 50.63% | 33,175 |
Lone Druid | 3.33% | 46.31% | 10,601 |
Phantom Lancer | 3.13% | 49.77% | 23,629 |
Beastmaster | 3.02% | 51.13% | 3,861 |
Huskar | 3.01% | 45.67% | 41,966 |
Bloodseeker | 2.91% | 49.15% | 19,997 |
Chaos Knight | 2.76% | 46.36% | 41,576 |
Chen | 2.66% | 50.54% | 3,13 |
Troll Warlord | 2.49% | 51.31% | 15,411 |
Wraith King | 2.42% | 48.13% | 47,139 |
Arc Warden | 2.16% | 47.51% | 11,413 |
Bounty Hunter | 2.14% | 49.68% | 34,439 |
Io | 2.00% | 51.36% | 11,067 |
Batrider | 1.92% | 56.15% | 6,784 |
Slardar | 1.91% | 50.93% | 25,273 |
Luna | 1.88% | 51.36% | 29,085 |
Marci | 1.84% | 51.88% | 19,263 |
Visage | 1.83% | 48.19% | 4,986 |
Ogre Magi | 1.80% | 49.46% | 67,524 |
Phoenix | 1.62% | 52.71% | 13,24 |
Spirit Breaker | 1.55% | 52.78% | 36,28 |
Dark Willow | 1.55% | 52.34% | 19,844 |
Tiny | 1.45% | 48.47% | 63,046 |
Omniknight | 1.45% | 46.97% | 13,697 |
Gyrocopter | 1.43% | 52.20% | 26,856 |
Sniper | 1.42% | 49.73% | 82,274 |
Treant Protector | 1.38% | 49.75% | 19,523 |
Venomancer | 1.27% | 48.70% | 34,198 |
Windranger | 1.26% | 51.89% | 46,599 |
Bane | 1.25% | 51.48% | 14,389 |
Phantom Assassin | 1.23% | 52.49% | 65,55 |
Shadow Fiend | 1.18% | 51.62% | 49,111 |
Enchantress | 1.12% | 52.53% | 18,353 |
Lina | 1.11% | 56.04% | 37,827 |
Bristleback | 1.09% | 53.11% | 35,819 |
Winter Wyvern | 1.01% | 51.73% | 16,008 |
Shadow Demon | 0.98% | 53.93% | 9,583 |
Mirana | 0.98% | 49.96% | 41,846 |
Alchemist | 0.97% | 52.67% | 13,272 |
Viper | 0.89% | 52.90% | 36,39 |
Legion Commander | 0.87% | 52.49% | 51,827 |
Razor | 0.86% | 52.65% | 18,803 |
Dawnbreaker | 0.78% | 51.22% | 13,441 |
Crystal Maiden | 0.74% | 51.23% | 37,185 |
Dragon Knight | 0.69% | 52.32% | 31,812 |
Medusa | 0.69% | 49.34% | 46,285 |
Keeper of the Light | 0.69% | 51.33% | 33,744 |
Enigma | 0.59% | 51.77% | 16,489 |
Spectre | 0.56% | 52.64% | 18,388 |
Earth Spirit | 0.44% | 54.76% | 12,03 |
Kunkka | 0.41% | 54.69% | 32,514 |
Sven | 0.41% | 57.65% | 14,186 |
Dark Seer | 0.38% | 52.19% | 7,04 |
Undying | 0.37% | 48.61% | 40,018 |
Abaddon | 0.36% | 52.31% | 14,483 |
Lich | 0.33% | 51.78% | 30,981 |
Centaur Warrunner | 0.22% | 50.97% | 17,413 |
Elder Titan | 0.20% | 53.59% | 3,863 |
Doom | 0.19% | 57.30% | 14,329 |
Vengeful Spirit | 0.18% | 50.46% | 25,132 |
Warlock | 0.17% | 50.57% | 13,208 |
Clinkz | 0.15% | 51.62% | 14,844 |
Riki | 0.12% | 50.16% | 20,028 |
Morphling | 0.11% | 53.04% | 21,111 |
Brewmaster | 0.08% | 51.92% | 6,154 |
Jakiro | -0.03% | 49.74% | 53,266 |
Oracle | -0.05% | 54.35% | 12,072 |
Disruptor | -0.07% | 53.51% | 29,324 |
Invoker | -0.12% | 54.62% | 60,106 |
Magnus | -0.16% | 55.62% | 25,227 |
Leshrac | -0.22% | 55.72% | 9,328 |
Dazzle | -0.27% | 51.00% | 32,246 |
Primal Beast | -0.29% | 50.84% | 49,125 |
Tusk | -0.39% | 56.25% | 24,629 |
Shadow Shaman | -0.41% | 50.84% | 55,633 |
Rubick | -0.48% | 56.67% | 56,347 |
Hoodwink | -0.48% | 52.91% | 43,043 |
Nature’s Prophet | -0.50% | 59.26% | 25,109 |
Axe | -0.52% | 48.54% | 59,747 |
Ember Spirit | -0.57% | 58.37% | 33,733 |
Timbersaw | -0.62% | 57.52% | 16,911 |
Monkey King | -0.63% | 57.90% | 35,82 |
Ursa | -0.63% | 53.08% | 31,871 |
Lion | -0.65% | 56.38% | 77,982 |
Weaver | -0.66% | 54.25% | 29,953 |
Lifestealer | -0.71% | 53.37% | 31,612 |
Zeus | -0.71% | 54.48% | 35,458 |
Witch Doctor | -0.76% | 53.99% | 48,256 |
Underlord | -0.82% | 53.38% | 13,21 |
Snapfire | -0.84% | 56.83% | 26,119 |
Necrophos | -0.88% | 50.44% | 67,463 |
Sand King | -1.00% | 49.62% | 51,841 |
Skywrath Mage | -1.01% | 51.13% | 56,398 |
Grimstroke | -1.02% | 54.65% | 35,673 |
Clockwerk | -1.05% | 54.81% | 13,728 |
Earthshaker | -1.13% | 54.49% | 39,612 |
Death Prophet | -1.17% | 53.70% | 26,161 |
Nyx Assassin | -1.17% | 54.75% | 12,971 |
Drow Ranger | -1.20% | 51.52% | 54,452 |
Pugna | -1.22% | 52.08% | 32,333 |
Storm Spirit | -1.24% | 54.38% | 38,525 |
Mars | -1.25% | 55.69% | 37,276 |
Pangolier | -1.26% | 56.46% | 25,14 |
Outworld Destroyer | -1.27% | 53.41% | 30,776 |
Faceless Void | -1.27% | 56.78% | 39,901 |
Tidehunter | -1.35% | 56.28% | 23,788 |
Queen of Pain | -1.52% | 57.46% | 35,216 |
Pudge | -1.59% | 56.87% | 96,246 |
Ancient Apparition | -1.67% | 52.91% | 27,958 |
Silencer | -1.71% | 50.82% | 60,586 |
Slark | -1.83% | 56.69% | 37,819 |
Techies | -1.96% | 56.15% | 34,408 |
Tinker | -2.09% | 58.22% | 16,474 |
Void Spirit | -2.62% | 55.94% | 28,728 |
Anti-Mage | -2.89% | 56.34% | 50,527 |
Juggernaut | -3.09% | 52.19% | 75,68 |
Puck | -3.82% | 58.26% | 25,853 |